Friday, May 28, 2010

Week One as a new Mommy.

I'm obsessed with Niall's mouth. He puckers it up and I just want to kiss him! He's the cutest baby :)

Actually I haven't been able to be a mom. My husband is Mr. Mom. I have been in the hospital the whole first week of his life, that I can't really say I'm a mom yet. I was put back in the hospital, doctors saying I was so close to having a heart attack. It was definitely not my fault. I was theirs. They pumped me with 3 days worth of fluid and never released it afterwards, that I swelled up very hugely and almost had a heart attack due to the fluid build up. So now as the result I have high blood pressure (I never had it the whole time i was alive or pregnant). I have to take medication for the rest of my life. It's really sad, because the whole time I was in the hospital I cried thinking I was never going to be able to see or take care of my child again!! This was the scariest thing i ever been thru. Here I was thinking it was going to be the C-Section I had to have, to have Niall.

But so far I have only been out of the hospital one day, and I'm still not well. I'm really hoping I can conquer this. This is all I want. I need to be with my family! It means EVERYTHING to me!!

On a good note. (I'd hate for this blog to be all depressing). I had a beautiful son last Friday! I am so IN LOVE with him! I never thought I could love something so much, I'm Amazed! Here are some pics of his first week :)

if you look at my finger it was so swollen :(

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Baby Scotty.

I am very sad today. One of my fave animals at the zoo has passed away. Jerm took me to meet him 3 years ago. And whenever I go to the zoo I make sure I see Scotty first. When I'm not there and my friends are, I always ask them to take a pic or see what he's up to for me. Elephants and Harp Seals are my fave animals, and to hear of one passing (please don't ever get me started on the clubbing of baby harp seals in canada) I get teary eyed. Poor Scotty was only a baby still! You will be missed. R.I.P.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

baby doctor visit - week 39.

Today I was expecting to maybe have a baby this week. My doctor has suggested a C-section last week. But this week he has changed his mind (for now). I am currently still 1cm, and I have been for 3 weeks now. My doctor told me to wait it out 1 more week, and we will talk about a new plan. (which he said this last week, but it's not a big deal).

I'm not in a hurry to get baby Niall out until he is ready to come out. I would love for him to make an appearance but I'm not pushing him lol. :)
To me, it seems he kinda doesn't want to come out, but I'm aware that's all in my head.
Ahh ... the waiting game lol.